Print a reference list of Word's keyboard shortcuts


To help you work more efficiently, Word offers an extensive collection of keyboard shortcuts that you can use to perform common operations. You can easily print a list of these keyboard shortcuts as a quick reference guide. To do so, choose File | Print from the menu bar. In the Print dialog box, choose Key Assignments from the Print What dropdown list, and then click OK. Word proceeds to print a multi-page table that lists the keyboard shortcuts (if any) assigned to each command, as well as the menu where you'll find the command if you prefer to use the mouse.

The technique we above is designed to print only the custom keyboard shortcuts that are assigned to the current document or template, as well as the global template, If you haven't created any custom key assignments, then your printout

will contain heading information like "Key Assignments for Document" and "Global Key Assignments," but it won't contain any actual key assignments.

Here's an alternative technique that you can use to print Word's default keyboard shortcut collection. This technique runs Word's built-in ListCommands macro, which generates a table listing Word's default keyboard shortcuts.

1. Choose Tools | Macro | Macros from Word's menu bar to open the Macros dialog box.

2. Choose Word Commands from the Macros In dropdown list.

3. Select the ListCommands item in the Macro Name list box, and then click Run.

4. In the resulting List Commands dialog box, choose the Current Menu

And Keyboard Settings option button, and then click OK. When you do,

Word generates a table that lists the keyboard shortcuts for each Word

command that uses one. (Word commands that haven't been assigned a keyboard shortcut aren't included.)

5. At this point, you can print the table or save it as you would any other document.

Created Date: 12/06/2001  Last Reviewed: 12/06/2001  Rev. Date: