

Adding Screen Tips to hyperlinks in FrontPage

FrontPage 2002 adds a new feature to hyperlinks: ScreenTips. These are the little yellow boxes that pop up when you move the mouse over a hyperlink. To specify a ScreenTip in FrontPage 2002, open the Insert Hyperlink (or Edit Hyperlink) dialog box and click the ScreenTip button. Enter the ScreenTip text and click OK.

You don't have to upgrade to FrontPage 2002 to use this feature, however. In FrontPage 98 or 2000, click the HTML tab to switch to HTML mode and find the code that defines your hyperlink; it will look something like this:

<a href="index.htm">Click Here</a>

Now, add a title parameter to the <a> tag, as shown here:

<a title="Click here to go to my home page" href="index.htm">Click


ScreenTips only work in Internet Explorer 4.0 and later, so you shouldn't include any essential information in your ScreenTips.

Created Date: 12/07/2001  Last Reviewed: 12/07/2001  Rev. Date: 

This site was last updated 07/20/08